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Why Your Employer is Asking for Your Immunization History

Jennifer Blumenthal - CEO of OneRecord
Jennifer Blumenthal
Nov 02, 2020

What if an employer asks to see your immunization history? You may be thinking, what does this mean? Why is my employer asking for my immunization history? And, where do I find my immunization records? Don’t worry we’re here to explain why employers ask to see your immunization history.  Plus let you know how to access your medical records so you can share them quickly and easily with employers.

If you have children, you’re probably used to submitting your child’s immunization records to schools, camps, and other group activities. This, of course, is to ensure that your child and the other children are safe from common infectious diseases that are easily controlled by immunizations. 

To Protect You and Your Workplace

Employers can ask for your immunization history as a term of employment. This is already common practice in healthcare fields, but it is becoming more prevalent in other workplaces, as well. In short, employers would request your immunization history in order to protect you and your coworkers. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) states that employers can require you to get a vaccine (a flu shot, for example), but you also must be given the relevant information describing how vaccines benefit both you and your workplace.  

Where to Find Your Immunization Records

Many immunizations are given to you as a child, so your old medical records can be a good place to start your search. Contacting past doctors to locate your immunization history is the best way to locate those records. You can also check in with your old school, university or past workplaces. Some states even have immunization registries called Immunization Information Systems (IIS) that include adult vaccines. If worse comes to worst, you can always go to the doctor and get bloodwork done to see if you have the antibodies against certain common diseases (this would mean that you’ve had the vaccine in the past). Also, you could simply get immunizations again! But it’s never fun to get a shot if you don’t need one, so definitely try to find those records first. 

How to Maintain Your Immunization Records

Once you’ve found your immunization history, hold on to it for the future. This way, you’ll have it for future employers or if you travel abroad. While it can be tricky to keep track of all of your medical records (immunization history included), there are lots of tools available that can help keep your health information organized, accessible, and up-to-date. OneRecord is one of these tools! OneRecord consolidates all of your medical information, making it accessible through the OneRecord website or app. Because it’s all digital, there’s no need for a bulky binder or multiple manila folders holding all of your medical records. Also, this conveniently allows all of your medical information to be portable. You’ll always have your records on hand when employers or other doctors need your information. OneRecord gives you autonomy over your medical information whenever you might need it.

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