OneRecord Helps Veterans Get Their Medical Records in One Place
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OneRecord is Helping Veterans Get Their Medical Records in One Place

Jennifer Blumenthal - CEO of OneRecord
Jennifer Blumenthal
Dec 07, 2020

Veterans of the United States, have sacrificed so much while serving our country.  We at OneRecord want to show our thanks for the privileges and rights Veterans protect. Here’s a way to (hopefully) make Veteran life a little easier every time you go see your doctor. 

In short, we’ve created a hassle-free, easy way for Veterans to retrieve all their medical records in one place.  Whether it’s for you (Veteran), your caretaker, and/or any family members in charge of your care plan - accessing and viewing your medical records has never been easier. 

No longer will you have to spend time organizing all those paper records or worrying that your missing one, OneRecord is your single place for all your health information.  

Jimmy Shirey (E5, 1966 -1969) points out, “as a military veteran who served in Vietnam, I have received care from the VA healthcare facilities. I have also received care from a number of civilian healthcare facilities. It is nice to be able to find and merge my VA records with my other health records using OneRecord. I’m glad to have it all in one place.”

This was made possible when The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and OneRecord teamed up to provide an all-in-one platform that lets you easily retrieve your medical records from any of the 1,255 VA facilities and external providers, nationwide.

Plus with OneRecord Share, doctors and other providers can be given read-only digital versions of medical documents and records. When medical professionals know the whole health story of a patient, they can make better informed decisions and provide quality care. 

As we continue to navigate a new normal during COVID-19, healthcare is changing rapidly. Sharing health information with loved ones, triaging at-home, and telemedicine appointments are commonplace, especially among the Veteran community. Digital records may seem like another big change, but they are very simple to set up and understand - and secure to access via the OneRecord app on smart devices or here, on the web.

“It’s a tremendous privilege to serve Veterans,” is a common phrase for OneRecord co-founder and CEO, Jennifer Blumenthal to say. “OneRecord can serve veterans by giving them access to and ownership of all their health information in one place - their OneRecord.”

Veterans, you have served our country and now OneRecord has the honor of serving you by giving you full autonomy over what matters most: your health.

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