How is OneRecord Different Than Apple Health?
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How is OneRecord Different Than Apple Health?

Jennifer Blumenthal - CEO of OneRecord
Jennifer Blumenthal
Aug 17, 2021

Whether you’re a frequent user of the OneRecord app or have never even considered your options for digitally tracking your health data, it pays to understand the growing industry. As technology becomes more and more of an integral part of America’s healthcare system, many different providers and practices are facing a sink-or-swim crisis: either they adopt reliable electronic health record solutions or face the legal (and business) repercussions.

The merging of healthcare and technology for patients and end-users is a big deal, which is why giant companies like Apple have innovated with their own software. Acting as the official Apple application for tracking health records and day-to-day health routines, the Apple Health App comes integrated within many of Apple’s smart devices, leading to a wide acceptance and usage across their customer base.

But how does Apple Health compare to OneRecord? What sets them apart? Keep reading to find out!

A Matter of Specialization

Apart from any practical differences, the Apple Health App is run by Apple, a corporate giant whose solutions and products span many different niches. Healthcare, in fact, is a relatively new market the company is dipping its toe in. Such a broad umbrella of customers to appeal to—coupled with a monumental reputation—has led to consumer distrust toward the Apple Health App. After all, Apple isn’t traditionally a healthcare company and does not focus all of its resources on securing health information. A study in 2020 indicated that the vast majority of patients do not trust tech companies like Apple to keep their records safe.

The OneRecord app was created by seasoned healthcare professionals and advocates specifically to bring power to the user. This includes benefiting patients, providers, and hospitals alike. Alongside the vision of OneRecord Founder and CEO, Jennifer Blumenthal—who holds a position as both the Chair of Consumer Facing Technology in the CareQuality Committee and the Chair of Privacy and Security in the Operating Committee— OneRecord takes health information seriously and has gone to many lengths to make sure privacy and accessibility mesh seamlessly.

Cross-platform Availability

The Apple Health App can be convenient for Apple smart device owners because it often comes pre-installed and fully integrated with Apple products, meaning users don’t even need to bother downloading and installing it. Being ready for immediate use has the potential to introduce many newcomers to the idea of health tracking apps.

But the app’s first party design comes at a cost: the Apple Health App is only available on the iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Apple’s other products. While it’s true that Apple has many users in the United States, other competitors such as Google and Amazon have stolen a bit of the limelight, leaving a swath of people locked out of Apple Health.

Striving to empower the patient as much as possible, the OneRecord app is readily available across multiple devices and operating systems, including Google Play, web browsers, and even through Apple’s own App Store. This allows people of all backgrounds to give it a go regardless of their technology preferences! Control of your health records should be a right for everyone, after all.

Keeping the Health Record Focus

Accessibility is the driving force behind healthcare legislation such as the Cures Act and HITECH Act. As such, it’s crucial that health record apps are on point when it comes to the user experience. Confusing layouts and convoluted setup processes defeat the purpose.

While the Apple Health App is certainly accessible for its users, it loses out on health record tracking because the functionality is often lost within the scope of the entire app. The application was initially intended as a means for tracking health habits such as steps, diet, and sleep…and to that end, it performs well! Only later did its ability to track health records get added in. In fact, the Health Record Setup’s location at the very bottom of the app’s browsing tab is easy to miss.

The OneRecord app puts user experience first with an intuitive layout that is easy to navigate. The step-by-step process for locating your health providers is simple, and the app even updates your records with every healthcare visit you make instead of requiring you to manually put new information in as you go.

See Your Health Records Wherever You Go

When designing OneRecord, our mission was very clear: create a powerful and accessible healthcare management experience and put it in the hands of as many people as possible. The marriage of technology and healthcare is only complete when patients and users have full control over their health records. Learn more about how OneRecord can consolidate all of your records into one place—simply.

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