5 Ways Moms Can Upgrade Their Family’s Healthcare
Do I need to go grocery shopping? When’s Aidan’s piano recital? Did we reschedule that pediatrician appointment? We understand, Mom. You have a lot to keep track of in order to keep your family, well, on track.
One of the most important things is your family’s healthcare, but this can often fall to the wayside when you have so many other things going on. There are so many moving parts when it comes to healthcare, too: doctors’ appointments, immunizations, insurance. It can feel overwhelming to say the least. Here are 5 steps you can take to upgrade your family’s healthcare to make it simpler, more efficient, and more organized.
Put Doctors’ Appointments on the Family Calendar
Even if your family calendar is packed to the brim already, doctors’ appointments should definitely be on there. You can use a Google calendar (or something similar) to synchronize schedules across all of your devices. A digital calendar can make it simple to add doctors’ appointments right when you schedule them. Or, you can maintain a whiteboard wall calendar. There are so many cute ideas on Pinterest where you can find inspiration, not to mention tips on color-coding. Keep this calendar up to date! Regular doctors’ appointments are crucial to keeping you and your family’s health in check now and preventing something serious down the road.
Keep A List of Important Contacts in a Central Location
You know that list of emergency contacts that you stick on the fridge for babysitters? You need access to that list, too. It should have all of the family’s care providers on it. Emphasize the emergency contacts, of course, but all of your doctors should be listed. This is another opportunity for color-coding! Bonus points if your list of contacts is near the wall calendar, though keeping it on the fridge is still an option.
Organize Family Health Records
This can certainly feel like a daunting task. A three-ring binder could be helpful here. You could divide the binder into different sections for each member of the family (have we mentioned how much we like color-coding?). Want to make this task even easier? Have OneRecord do it. OneRecord can consolidate all of your family’s medical records by putting all of your family’s information in folders that you can access on their website or through their mobile app. So not only are your health records organized, they are also portable. Your family’s health records are at your fingertips whenever you may need them.
Consolidate Insurance Documents
There is a lot of paperwork that goes into your family’s healthcare, and a big chunk of that paperwork is all related to insurance. From copays to premiums to miscellaneous insurance information from your employer, there’s a lot to keep track of. Fortunately, OneRecord can also manage these documents. With OneRecord, you can have all of the documents related to your family’s healthcare in one place. That’s great news because for some reason, insurance documents don’t seem like a lot of fun to color-code.
Keep Up With Your Own Health
You can’t pour from an empty cup, Mom. It can be easy to lose track of your own health while you’re busy trying to keep everyone else healthy and happy. Maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing ensures that you will be the best mom you can be. And it also sets a great example for the rest of your family. Maybe keeping up with your health looks like carving out 30 minutes per day to meditate or go for a walk. However you choose to take care of yourself, you are modeling healthy behavior for everyone else. Your kids get a lot of things from you that you might not even realize; make sure one of those things is healthy habits.
Keep it up, Mom. You’re doing great.